It seems that 2023 kicked off at speed for everybody which has well and truly set the pace for the months ahead.
Here at CEAI we have continued to drive the progress of many projects which are ongoing since 2022 – more below – and we look forward to sharing updates over the coming months.
In particular, we are delighted to announce the appointment of Siobhán Finn as CEO. Siobhán has worked closely with the Board over the last two years to drive the growth and impact of our Association and we look forward to its continued growth under Siobhán’s leadership.
Gary O Meara
Chairperson CEAI
● Attendance at the first meeting of the National Hub Strategy Working Group of which CEAI are a member
● Completion of the regional rollout of the QHubs Diagnostic across the Midlands Network
● Presentation of Phase I research findings to the Advisory Group for the development of a Competency and Career Framework for the National Hub Network
● Delivery of the first SHubs Training Network Workshop funded by The Wheel Training Links Programme which focused on practical cost-saving steps for centres and hubs with follow-up one-to-one mentoring support
● Delivery of the third Master Class to Public Sector Personnel which focused on Sustainable Business Models for sustainable hub development across National Hub Network
● In-person meeting of the NACEC CLG Board hosted by Galway Technology Centre
● Celebrating 20 years with our good friends in Momentum

Development work on the QHubs Quality and Innovation Management Programmes continues at pace.
Centres and Hubs in the Midlands joined the rollout of the QHubs Diagnostic across the Region which is an exciting step forward as this allows us to examine what data collected at a regional level can look like. The results of this exercise will be presented to the QHubs National Steering Group in early March in advance of the planned national rollout in Q2 of this year. We were also delighted to get notification that QHubs has now been successfully trademarked.
Also, thanks to our friends over in Innovate Island who hosted a lunchtime information session on QHubs recently. This community of Innovation Practitioners were keenly interested in the development of this Programme as the first national quality and innovation programme for centres and hubs globally.

The Co-Founders of Shamrock Squad Adventures Alina Barone and Vika Gailite were delighted to take delivery of laptops this month – all part of the Bursary awarded to them at the National PitchFest last October. Thanks to SoftCat plc and Acer for making this possible!
Shamrock Squad Adventures are a Community of Special Needs Families on a Mission to make outdoors accessible for ALL Needs.


Founder Weekend @ The RDI Hub
Details During this weekend sprint, participants will learn how to better understand potential customers, design solutions that solve real problems, and how to pitch their ideas, all with the support of incredible speakers and mentors.
Who should attend The Founder Weekend is for teams and individuals interested in entrepreneurship, with or without an idea! Learn entrepreneurial skills, meet like-minded entrepreneurial spirits, and bring an idea from concept to reality!
When February 17th 6.00pm – 8.30pm; February 18th 9.30am – 6.30 pm; February 19th 9.30am – 6.30pm.
How to Apply Founder Weekend — NDRC
Demystifying the Public Procurement Pathway @ Meath Enterprise
Expert Speaker Orla Leydon from Office & Training Solutions
Details This Virtual Event will explore the source of public funds as well as including an overview of the benefits of tendering for Public Funds and insights into how best to use the Etenders System and best to prepare a Tender Response Document for successful evaluation outcomes.
When February 14th from 11.00am – 12.00 Noon
How to Register Demystifying the Public Procurement Pathway Tickets, Tue 14 Feb 2023 at 11:00 | Eventbrite
Orla Leydon from Office & Training Solutions works countrywide with public and private organisations to demystify the requirements of Public Procurement. This includes working with funders to tender for suppliers to perform public contracts and also with suppliers who wish to secure publicly funded contracts. Her experience spans cross sector, and she holds a Certificate in Public Procurement and keeps herself up to date with public procurement legislation updates through regular seminars & master classes provided by CMG Events and Achilles Procurement Services Limited.
2023 digital health startups eHealth Embark Programme @ dConnect Digital Health Innovation Hub
Details The all-Island startup programme offers early-stage digital health startups access to business and technical support via the dConnect Digital Health Innovation Hub and the Connected Health & Wellbeing Cluster. The ten week programme will include hands-on guidance and support to help startups drive innovation in the healthcare industry. dConnect and the CHW Cluster will provide mentoring and specialist Masterclasses ranging from customer discovery and validation, through to assessing market opportunity, and mapping funding and growth steps.
Participants will have access to clinical, regulatory, funding, and business expertise to support the development of innovative product roadmaps and pathways to market. As part of the programme, Amazon Web Services (AWS) will provide participants with technical training and support to help them leverage the latest cloud technologies such as data analytics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and more. This will include one-to-one sessions, and tailored workshops on topics ranging from procurement to Amazon’s culture of innovation, including their ‘Working Backwards’ approach.
When The deadline for applications is February 26th 2023. The programme will be delivered online and in person between March 20th and May 19th 2023 with in-person events hosted at AWS’ offices in Dublin.
How to Apply Startups interested in applying for the programme should submit applications via www.ehealth-embark.ie.
Pictured below are the eHealth Embark 2022 Winners Cymantic Medical along with the Judging Panel.
Congratulations to Galway Technology Centre chosen as the first regional channel partner for Skillnet Ireland’s Innovation Exchange – Ireland’s innovation marketplace that connects large companies facing digital transformation challenges with technology companies that can fast track the solutions.
Through this Partnership, Galway Technology Centre, which supports innovative, globally trading companies in the ICT sector, will bring both corporates and scale-ups based in the west of Ireland on board as The Innovation Exchange members. Furthermore, it will bring the benefits of The Innovation Exchange to enterprise hubs across the west of Ireland.
The Innovation Exchange’s aim is to establish a nationwide footprint by onboarding up to ten regional channel partners throughout 2023. The expansion of The Innovation Exchange, which currently has 350 participants, will offer even more SMEs access to the programme’s benefits, including an instant sales pipeline, market intelligence and the capability to sell to large corporates.
Liz Thomas (Head of Strategic Projects, Skillnet Ireland ), Conor Carmody (The Innovation Exchange) and Minister Anne Rabbitte pictured at The Innovation Exchange’s national expansion announcement at Digital West today (31st January 2023). Photo Sean Lydon
If you have news you would like, please email details to Siobhán Finn [email protected]
Creative Spark are Hiring!
If you think you have the skills and enthusiasm to join the energetic team at Creative Spark as they embark on the next exciting phase of their journey, you should check out the new Creative Spark Enterprise FabLab Business Development and Community Manager Role.
Further Details available here
CEAI is the National Representative Association for Community Enterprise Centres and Enterprise Hubs across the National Hub Network.
The Association represents the interest of the 250+ Enterprise Ireland funded community
enterprise centres, enterprise hubs and enterprise projects – to government, to funding agencies, to the National Hub Network and to the wider stakeholders community.
In Addition, CEAI provides representation, supports, training and mentoring, learning, independent advice and guidance, thought leadership and best in class insights on an individual basis to centre and hub boards, management and key personnel.
CEAI is supported through a variety of funds including ● The 2019 Regional Enterprise Development Fund ● The 2021 Regional Enterprise Transition Scheme Fund ● The 2022 Regional Enterprise Innovation Scoping Scheme Fund ● The 2022 Wheel Training Links Fund ● The 2021 ARISE Programme Fund ● The Erasmus Plus Programme Fund 2021 – 2027.
If you are not currently a member of CEAI, you can join our community here.
If you are already a CEAI Community Member, please make sure you and your colleagues have access to the CEAI Community Platform to enjoy the best of CEAI for 2023.
CEAI IS A NON-PROFIT ASSOCIATION and we are grateful to our Funders who continue to support our growth and ambition, including the organisations below.

The National Association of Community Enterprise Centres NACEC CLG
Registered Company No: 644493
Trading as
The Community Enterprise Association Ireland CEAI
Registered Address:
Unit 18, Meath Enterprise Centre
Trim Road
Co Meath C15TKX6
CEAI Registered Office
Unit 18 Meath Enterprise Centre
Trim Road
Co Meath C15TKX6
Registered Company:
Company No: 644493