A New Partnership Improving Access For Employers to Community Enterprise Centres around Ireland

July 27th, 2021

Today, @NACEC_ is delighted to see its strategic partnership with NoCo Workspaces announced in the Irish Times.

Employers will now have improved access to the 350+ @Entirl #enterprisecentres offering additional choices of #remoteworking locations around Ireland.

The NACEC team work closely with Enterprise Ireland to support the delivery of the #PoweringTheRegions strategy and in response to this article, Mark Christal, Regions and Entrepreneurship Divisional Manager at Enterprise Ireland said that ‘Enterprise Centres are an essential element of the startup ecosystem providing space, connectivity, mentoring and support to startup founders and teams in every county’. Mark also added that ‘the ‘Powering the Regions’ strategy is delivering a #remoteworking action plan and welcomes this partnership which will benefit enterprises in communities right across the country’.
